• the light is warm, inviting and perfect
    and in that lies it's strength
    it gives us the courage to break the chains
    it illuminates the truth
    it brings comfort
    it brings joy
    and because it has this nature we love it
    and we can use it to free ourselves
    from ourselves
    from the dark

    dark fears the light
    because it knows that even the smallest candle
    can give one of us hope
    it destroys the dark and drives it back
    the dark cowers in corners
    unable to face the light
    never able to show itself to the candle

    light that ripens acquaintance into love
    that sparks genius into an artist
    that drips emotion into a song
    that saves a tear stained child
    light is the essence of beauty
    the wonder of existence

    but alas light is not eternal
    eventually stars burn out
    eventually the flame runs out of wax
    but the dark lives in fear
    not knowing when another spark will light
    and fears even more the one thing
    that can truly destroy it
    the light of love
    the fire of life