• Under the many star stained sky,
    The pebbles piercing black with white,
    a moonlit wonder here tonight
    lining the fields of silent rye.

    A mention, murmur of summer
    But the faults of chilly weather
    To speak the truth of another
    Are too great to cease to bother

    Will you heed it's warning whisper
    Just hold it together once more
    We walk as free men out the door
    Warmth and heat, we won't blister

    Brother it is just us today
    Can't you hear the dead men sing it?
    We're sorry, but we can't change it.
    Just like we said, we'll run away.

    Run from what, our pride? Purpose rants.
    We have nothing left, brother, son.
    How do you suppose we have won?
    By running far when other's can't.

    Did we just run further than them?
    Did they fall behind? Did we cry?
    We, it was us, who let them die.
    They earned the flower, we, the stem.

    Coward! Hangman, you cowered then!
    You did not flinch while twisting rope
    Used to crush your enemies throat
    Coward! Hangman, you have no friends.

    While the moonlight ceased in wonder
    The hangman's conscience fought to say
    His thoughts about that faithful day
    When the young man hung his mother