• Why did you do this to me?
    I trusted you, gave you everything.
    And you just threw it back in my face.
    I told you everything about me.
    My past and my plans.
    I gave you my heart, even if it was just a brief moment in time.
    You came and stole my dignity. Now I feel so shameful of my own stupid Mistakes.
    You were a snake, slithering your way into my mind.
    You made me feel so connected to you.
    I felt the best I had ever felt in so long. And then it all stopped.
    You stopped calling,
    Stopped listening.
    All I am now to you is another piece of junk mail,
    Another comment you ignore,
    Another call you miss.
    All I want to know is why?
    Why do you put me through this hell? Couldn’t you at least talk to me??
    But you won’t.
    Because you afraid?
    Or maybe just because all I was to you was another piece of a**.
    Just another good ********.
    And now I hate you because I still care for you.
    There are STILL nights where I just sit in my room and cry.
    Where I can’t stop thinking of you.
    Where I'm stuck in my own personal torture.
    And the worst part is I can’t blame you completely.
    I was warned and didn’t listen. They told me that am all you wanted me for.
    But I thought you were different. Thought you couldn’t be that low.
    Wasn’t I the idiot.