• I would like to be made out of glass
    Clear and pure showing all emotions
    Showing my soul like the turning of light
    Keeping frail things behind me sheltered
    But the roughness of the world
    Can very easily break me
    I shatter beneath a barbaric touch
    But shine from an angelic glow
    Yes, it would be nice to be made of glass
    But I would want someone to protect me
    Since I would be so very fragile
    Breaking easily from insincerity
    I would need strong hands to shield
    That become gentle as they touch me
    A white dove for a soldier
    I am the delicate lace of glass
    That can protect a babe from a storm
    I am the stern turning of light
    That a harsh caress can shatter
    So when you hold me in the night
    Be aware of what you hold
    More fragile than the stars
    Yet much stronger than the moon
    I would like to be made out of glass