• I said I'm Sorry
    When i first broke your Heart
    I said i was sorry
    When i left you for a new start
    I said i was sorry
    When i came back to apologize
    I said i was sorry
    When things when't wrong you was dromotized
    And i said i was sorry
    Up too now you didn't Care
    Till i said sorry,
    and you gave me a mean Stare
    Then you said as loud as you could
    Sorry isn't enough and isn't as good as it should be
    So till this day i think of the way
    i had lived my life those days
    and the last word i should't forget
    is those i used the most
    The one that drove you away from me
    That i still find it hard to see
    how you loved me
    for the last time i have to say
    I am sorry for treating you that way
    this is overits will never happen again
    Because your part of my heart and one of my friends
    Thats why i have to say i'm sorry.

    heart this is trade mark and copying is not allowed also please comment and rate 5/5 heart