• The rain splatters on my window
    And the lightening flashes

    It all stops for a few
    Then the thunder rolls around

    The same thing happens every night
    Rain, Lightening, Silence, then the Thunder.

    If all this could change
    For one night only

    That is all I ask
    Is for the moon and the stars

    To come out
    From the shadows of the clouds

    For one night only
    That would make all the difference

    Well in my world.
    Can't war and peace

    Be at cease
    To shutter all the tears & screams

    Out of the world
    It seems to me, that peace

    As become more like war
    Then anything at all

    To compare the world
    To the weather.

    I see no difference
    Maybe, there will be one day

    Or all of life
    Can stop this destruction

    And calm
    The world down

    Where war and global warming
    Don't existed

    Can we just sit under the sit
    And the moon

    And be glad
    That one is one

    And war and destruction
    Is nothing