• Addiction:
    She’s online from dawn to dusk
    Being on the internet is a must
    It’s the only world she trust
    Even if it’s filled with hate and lust.
    She can be whoever she inspires to be,
    On the internet, she can dream free.
    On the internet, she is she.
    It’s consuming her, but pleasantly.
    Chat rooms and forums are her social life,
    Where she types into the lonely night
    And she creates and dreams away
    In an illusion that she’s okay.

    But will she ever be okay,
    Staying online all night and day?
    For her, it’s the only way
    To feel happy, complete, or okay.
    And all her music comes from their,
    Whether it be rock or preppy flair,
    The music from Youtube consumes the room,
    Drowning out all the sadness and gloom.
    Music is what keeps her going on,
    Even if it’s a sad depressing song,
    At least it’s something, at least its noise,
    To save her from the forces that destroys.

    So she’ll stay online all day,
    Rather than go outside and play,
    At least here she can say what she needs to say.
    On the web, she can have her way.
    Pages like Gaia and Neopets,
    Where virtual reality drowns all regrets,
    Where an avatar is what you are,
    Where you be yourself and still be star,
    Where you can just delete all the teasing,
    Where you can say things that are God pleasing,
    Without having to face the real world,
    But the computer the only thing that’s real
    For this girl.