• Valiant rays of gold pour,
    Upon the grassy green plains,
    And then the clouds came.

    Scores of deepest grey creep,
    Spinning in swirls,
    Swirling in curls,
    Bubbling black,
    As thunder echos out.

    Many creatures seek shelter fom the storm,
    As the dark coils envelop the tranquil light.

    No sooner than this, in silent volleys, the rain begins to fall,
    Soaking the green plains,
    With the sweet scent of rain and roses.

    Hours of soft panging and thunderous echos pass,
    And one thing remains unconcealed.
    A small figure dances and twists,
    Beneath the vines of the Weeping Willow.

    A dance of rain,
    A dance of hope,
    To conceal the pain of past endeavors.

    Only the thought,
    She can't escape,
    Brings her down,
    Down in tears.

    She dances to rest,
    She dances to forget the ones she lost,
    Not to forget them,
    But the pain of loss,
    If even for a moment.

    She dances in the ever falling rain,
    Underneath the Weeping Willow,
    Under the deep grey sky,
    In the grassy green plains.

    She danced in the rain.