• Throw away the life you wanted
    For what a girl, a dream?
    Not good enough for you?
    Good enough for me.

    Kick around my dreams
    Drag them into the ground
    you cant hear a sound
    Listen To My Screams!
    This is my life to choose to lose to use
    How ever I want!

    Free me from these oppressive bonds
    Youre the judge so merciless
    Defending myself
    In a case where I did nothing WRONG!

    Kick around my dreams!
    Listen to these screams!
    Drag me around
    My wrists and legs are bound

    Push me from here to there
    Living the life you want me too
    Do all the things you tell me too
    Dont pretend you care!

    You say im throwing away my life
    Cuz I wont walk the footsteps
    That you've set for me
    You say im throwing away my life
    Cuz I wont walk the footsteps
    That you've set for me
    You say im throwing away my life
    Cuz I wont walk the footsteps
    That you've set for me

    But I'm here to say
    I wont walk your way
    Today our paths seperate

    Throw away the life you wanted
    For what a girl, a dream?
    Not good enough for you?
    Good enough for me.