• Hanging on that wall, can you see it?
    Two young boys, holding each other
    with smiles of malice brushed onto each face.
    A mother, left barren after giving birth, wraps her arms
    around her children, only two in count, only two.
    A father stands tall a slight smile across his face,
    hands placed on his wife's shoulders, tight.

    Where has that family gone, I wonder?
    The two boys now are young men
    living two separate lives with no embrace.
    The mother's hands are empty, no one to hold,
    tired from trying to keep the two out of harm.
    The father, still hard at work, has no smile,
    worn down by the horribly sleepless night.

    This family now like red, arid Mars.
    Its hard to tell now if there was anything there before.