• You diss.
    I slit my wrist.
    When you cause me pain,
    I slit the left vain.
    You break my heart,
    That’s where it starts.
    When you pretend
    to care.
    Well how do you dare?
    It’s just not fair.
    So I remain
    So damn silent.
    See my stain?
    It was very violent.
    I’m just a shadow
    A part of the past
    A part that could never last.
    My trickling blood
    Is dripping fast,
    I hear a thud;
    I just lie and stare.
    I cry
    and wonder why.
    Why should I be the one to go?

    Eyeliner doesn't hide the tears,
    nor does the black hair hide the eyes,
    The glasses frame the soul.
    Once so strong, once so whole.

    The bracelets don't hide the cuts,
    nor does the blood hide the sorrows.
    The fishnet frames the heart.
    Now so pained, now so apart.

    Loving doesn't hide the denial,
    nor does feeling hide the absence.
    The sadness frames the eyes.
    The heart once whole.
    Oh, because I’m emo.