• As I look into my mirror,

    I see a reflection, just me,

    But on what on earth

    Does my mirror see?

    "What can a mirror see?"

    Is a question some have asked,

    for what possibly can it see

    this thing of polished glass?

    A mirror sees the truth

    and shows you what it may see

    though you may not like it,

    it tells who you may be

    They do their job, sitting quietly,

    While we all stare in vain,

    They say nothing as we dream,

    Of all our wanted fame.

    A mirror sees the world from

    its corner in your room.

    A woman getting ready,

    A young girl in her gloom.

    A mirror holds the world,

    Your mirror holds your heart,

    For, whatever you have done,

    Your mirror has witnessed a part.

    A mirror covered in cobwebs,

    A mirror framed in gold,

    Whatever mirror anywhere,

    keeps a story to be told