• Across the star lit sky,
    a fairy glides,
    whispering sweet nothings,
    into the depths of the night.

    While below her,
    there is weeping,
    and blood stained soil,
    and the remnants,
    of hopes long deffered.

    A lady in white,
    poised as in prayer,
    clutching the hilt of a dagger,
    holding it tight.

    Beneath her,
    is a figure,
    prone on the ground,
    perhaps once a lover,
    no more to be found.

    But what was her motive,
    this ivory lady,
    that she might destroy,
    the soul she so loved.

    In her eyes,
    there is madness,
    and insanity that is truly,
    not her own.

    And as she turns,
    the blade to her heart,
    a fairy glides across the sky,
    and beneath her is naught,
    but a fairytale gone awry