• Time passes ... nothing much changes.
    Although sun shines and lights the grovelling streets I walk on,
    it reaches me yet i do not feel much warmth.
    Times passes and the sun gets lower and lower and the sky and my shadow walking so pleasently behind me becomes bigger, and its depotism becomes absolute over the cement behind me, as if those who walk towards light will only be devoured by the darkness while searching.
    Time passesand the darkness slowly but maliciously engoulfs the steps i walk.
    Thought u could not fell the glow of the sun, i embrace the cold, keeping it as a security blanket around my soul and my body to hide under.
    Time passes and the moon shines upon me until I am completely under its spell, its light bleeding into my heart and sorrounding me with the feeling i know too well ...
    No times passes. Nothing is still and yet everything is. It is the feeling only the brave seek and the cowardly pass off as insane. The wind slowly moving through the trees, whisperring to run away... something moves in an alley way, behind a building, behind a car... but they are not people, only servents to the moon just as i am, but who knows what they'r motives are, what sins they will commit...
    .. I am home ..