• It's different between us now, you and I
    I will no longer allow you to make me cry
    I use to think you were all I could want in a guy
    But I never knew the real you ~ did I?

    Being in love with you at times was such a high
    Sometimes you made me feel like I could fly
    The ups were amazing, that I don't deny
    But the good times were not something on which I could rely

    You'd get so angry with me and I didn't know why
    I would ask you to explain, but you didn't even try
    That's a huge difference between you and I
    I could never enjoy making someone cry

    I wonder what you did say to me that wasnt a lie
    I will never know your motivation, will I?
    To lift me so I could soar, then squash me like a fly
    I'm not a flower to nurture and help grow, then let die

    So maybe we'll run into each other and I'll say Hi
    But I won't love you like I use to, and here's why
    More than once you had the chance to be my guy
    To love and cherish each other, not bleed my heart dry

    The last time was the worst time you made me cry
    I was never enough woman for you, and it doesnt matter why
    Here is my heart, waving to yours, a last goodbye
    I still wish you the best and you know that's not a lie

    With the last tear you made me cry
    I see now and understand why
    You never really wanted me to fly
    I was just something that made the time go by