• A million broken hearts i wish on you,
    A thousand times over i wish you knew
    The pain and the hurt that is deep inside,
    That stabbing pain from those times you lied.
    My hearts not broken cause than i'd be dead,
    But my soul was shattered from those words you said.
    Slowly you kept slipping further away,
    With each passing night i hoped you would just stay.
    I wanted your friendship more than words can describe
    And afterwards countless tears flowed from my eyes.
    Part of me is happy to watch you sad,
    But there is still the part inside of me that feels real bad.
    Forever and always I will be there for you,
    And if you didn't throw that away it would still hold true.
    I just wanted you happy and nothing more,
    But i'm tired and my eyes are way too sore.
    I will just try to remove it, and get rid of it all,
    Cause i lost the game after sinking the eight ball
    In the corner pocket when i called the side
    Cause you had the advantage and I was shooting blind.
    So i'm saying goodbye to the memories and pain,
    Cause the good bad and ugly are driving me insane.
    So so long Sayonara, Adios, and Ciao
    I'm saying goodbye forever right now.