• "Ride man ride,"
    the General said.
    "Ride to the other side,"
    while he bled.

    I took my sword,
    and hopped on my steed.
    On his last word,
    I found the need.

    To free us from them,
    and to take what is ours.
    For I will do it for him,
    no matter the hours.

    As I found the side,
    I gave out a cry.
    Never to ride,
    for on that feild I die.

    Then a knight came,
    wearing all black.
    He helped me the same,
    as his men on their back.

    He became my master,
    and with him I grew.
    As my skill grew larger,
    so did the evil, I knew.

    Then we attacked,
    my old town, not to hold.
    The people were out-matched,
    none were so bold.

    My master told me,
    "Kill them all,
    the lives are useless you see."
    But within me I heard a call.

    A call of truth,
    of hope, and goodness.
    So I called on my master's wrath,
    which he thought was ignorant bliss.

    Drawing my weapon we fought,
    his skill still much greater.
    The victory I sought,
    I lost it to my master.

    A knight all in white,
    came down so save me.
    He defeated my master, with his might,
    I thought 'How can this be?'

    Turning to me he said,
    "It's time to come home,
    and now you'll never be dead.
    Now you'll never have to roam."