• If you love me
    Then mean it
    If you leave every time we're together
    Then you dont love me

    If you say you love me
    And you never talk to me
    Then you dont love me

    To me love is hate
    Then what is hate to me
    Well to me if you say you hate someone then you love them in my eyes
    But when i hate someone i mean i hate them

    Love is a funny word to me
    Hate is a word i use daily
    Love is a word that means you care about someone
    Hate is a word that means you dont care about someone

    She loves you but you hate her
    In my eyes that would be
    She hates you but you love her
    See how these two very different words can be used

    To me love is really hate
    No matter what you say or do
    This is what i think