• Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    I'm still not sure
    If I love you.

    Days fly by,
    Like the birds in the sky.
    You said you had to go,
    And I said I'd miss you so.

    You said your goodbyes,
    And then said your lies.
    And I believed you,
    I thought it was all true...

    Now roses are black,
    And violets are green,
    Did you really have
    To be so mean?

    You destroyed my hopes,
    You twisted my mind,
    You left me there with
    Nothing else to find.

    No destination,
    No where to go,
    No one to talk to,
    Never felt so alone.

    Roses are actually red,
    Violets were always blue,
    I have new friends now,
    I don't need you.

    You finally came back,
    Only to find,
    That I've taken a new path,
    And left you behind.

    You got angry,
    You got mad,
    You yelled and screamed,
    ...But I'm not sad...

    I've found new friends,
    A new place to call home,
    So you can't control me anymore,
    Or keep me locked in a dome.

    You can't push me around,
    You can't hit or hurt me,
    You can't shatter my dreams,
    You can't pretend im not worthy.

    I've gained a new strength,
    One I thought was never there,
    But I've found it now,
    Because I have friends who care...

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Dont worry, I promise
    I won't miss you...