• I lay my head down to sleep
    The world once again has passed me by
    I figure i only have one chance to go
    Still who knows
    The day is still young
    The night it wont come
    The time i have ever dawns two seconds ago is now far and gone
    I think to my self who am i
    All i can come up with is nothing but lies
    The time is drawing near for that i know what will happen here
    Tonight we shall go on not knowing tomorrow for who am to sit here and sorrow
    Yesterday is past as with all its pride and joy nothing good nothing bad but all is gone
    When one is to make a mistake it seems the whole world notices
    When one is to succeed it seems but only one notices that one being you
    For who am i to say anything only that time is one valuable thing
    I figured it out as i lay down to sleep i found what i lost i am now complete
    All i needed was one simple thing i found the one missing element to unlock everything
    What i found is what we all need to find to take the good and yet to be ok and fine
    Take on whats bad as it will help you improve because with out it your a thread with no loom
    Take everything that comes your way embrace and enjoy it on this one last day