• Every day I am so board
    I wish I was a very rich lord

    I always wake up so so late
    Everything happens that i hate

    My life is always so bloody lame
    I don't go to shcool a bloody shame

    Mom and Dad are always sad
    For what a bad marrige the had

    I think that I am pretty loyal
    So why Is'nt my family royal

    OMG what the hell
    Where's the emergency bell

    I wish i was briteny spears
    standing in HOLLYWOOD giving out my chears

    My life is bad, FINE
    but I'm way over the line

    I sit on the computer, I watch T.V
    Detective Conan is what I see

    My best friend is so far away
    I'm so desprate, eating ferrero roche

    See how pitiful my life looks
    It's gonna be written in history books

    This is my end
    So good-bye my friend crying