• White Roses

    A field of White roses grows down a path of white moonlight.
    Moonlight, moonlight, how brightly it shines down on my pale skin.
    Barrowing its beauty to bask in the sweet scent of white roses.
    Evening star, oh, how I wondered where you go, what you do.
    Riding out upon the blackness of the sky.

    Moonlight, moonlight, your sweet roses bloom around me.
    Over the white fields of the midnight dew.
    Oh, how do I long for my love to share this sweet scent with you?
    Never to be touched, and to never leave.

    White roses, sweet roses, I lay down in the moonlight upon petals of white roses.
    I miss you my love, I wish you could be here beside me, but you dare not come.
    Thorns are my bed, and roses are my pillows. The petals are my sheets of comfort.
    Every night I wait for you to come.

    Every night I watch the moon rise and fall. The
    Very essence of daylight does not touch this place. For
    Eternity it is encased in darkness and moonlight.
    Night is day and so the sun does not shine or even rise.
    I wish and wish, I pray and pray, to see you again my love.
    Never thinking that you could have left me.
    Glowing deep in the heart of each white rose

    Stirs a sound of weeping.
    Trying to tell you that
    Always it is in the heart that they cry out for me.
    Returning nothing back to me.

    Reaching out as far as I can see,
    Over the land of what I know to be,
    Stars and fields of white roses beyond,
    Every inch of me trembling,
    Struggling to touch you.

    Moonlight, moonlight, what’s your symbol?
    A pentagram burned on your chest.
    Not ever showing, but always knowing that it’s there.

    A star encased in scars and loneliness, yet surrounded by many other stars.

    Pentacles cover the sky above.
    Even I sigh at the loss for words.
    Not ever showing my true desire
    To do so would make me feel sad
    Always you will be my lover
    Caught between my sky and the white roses.
    Light up my sky with your touch,
    Even though I appear to not notice your reach.
    So now you’ll see that I like it.

    Hiding my fear of loneliness,
    I hide deep in your arms,
    Dreaming of what could be a happy world for the two of us.
    I stare into your eyes. They remind me of the white roses.
    Never tainted, always pure.
    Glowing in the moonlight we lay next to each other.

    Moonlight, moonlight, bloom your flowers once more.
    Yearning for your touch I bring myself close to your deep embrace.

    Feeling your warmth of your body and your heartbeat next to mine.
    Always have I wondered if you really did ever love me back?
    Can’t this night ever last?
    Evening star, and moonlight, my gifts to you.

    Scents of the flowers fill us with the smells of the white roses.
    Can’t you feel me in your deep embrace? Every inch of me against you?
    A pale moon, a pale field of white roses and my pale hands hold yours tight.
    Return to me my love and we will be here forever.

    Day will come soon if you stay with me.
    A night like this will not last forever.
    Yearn for me again and my gifts are yours.
    Same basis as always, my field of white roses for you to tend and care for.