• I look out my window,
    at the outside world.
    Outside is a meadow,
    flowers of pink, blue, and white like purls.

    The rain beats down on the window sill,
    the clouds above darken the sky.
    The birds are on the tree limbs,
    and chirping up high.

    The sky started to cry as my other half got buried in the Earth
    The sky started to get grey and the rain wouldn't stop
    My heart's hole is filled back up
    with the sky's tears, down they drop.

    My whole body gets cold as I sit there.
    The rain still pouring down the window
    The thunder clatters in the sky
    The clouds are like dark shadows.

    I try to close my eyes,
    to see a happy place.
    First my friend, then the car,
    then every thing goes blank.

    My heart is now full,
    flooded with tears.
    Why did she have to go.
    My friend, sister, my peer.

    I look out the window,
    first time to see
    Maybe it wasn't the sky crying,
    it was just me. crying