I. Chilling morning breeze, kinda makes my brain freeze.
    I took a breath, thanking HIM for life's a wealth.
    Sun shines like chariots of fire. Ray of light shows my human desire.
    I don't know 'bout the future, maybe someday we'll know 'bout my true feature.
    Who knows? I just pray 'coz I know I'm not here to stay.

    II. Yesterday's past, today runs fast, tomorrow won't last.
    Future is the past and past is the future.
    Lies can be truth and truth can be lies.
    What looks good may be evil and what looks evil may be good.
    Everything will be clear when everything comes near.

    III. The sky is blue and clear; white fluffy clouds seems so near.
    Gentle breeze of wind blows away every fear.
    Graceful sway of trees makes me feel at peace and for a while I settle.
    Altered space suddenly flashes in my thoughts, preparing me for battle.
    A fight between following the plan or choose and do what has to be done.

    IV. Rustling leaves whispers telling me,
    " You are so lucky to be created, that you're given the chance to live and
    be the best you can be."
    Voices echoing, meddling, asking...
    " Do you choose to walk to the bright light or lurk in the dark?"
    I just thought and answered,
    " I was created and was given freewill and I choose to be free walking...
    between both sides."

    V. The moment I wake up is the time that starts it all.
    One by one they're coming. Step by step they're preparing.
    Is our destiny foreordained?
    Is our fate planned?
    Are we destined to make our own fate?
    Or are we created just to fulfill what is arranged?

    VI. When I looked into their eyes,
    Somehow it makes me realize...
    They seem hiding their lies.
    They always show their sweet smile,
    And yet they're soul silently cries.

    VII. How well do you know me?
    How well do you know them?
    How well do you know yourself?
    If you judge me, you also judge them,
    But in the end it will turn out...
    That the only person you're judging is yourself.

    VIII. Being one of the role-players, now I know, now I can comprehend.
    Always in the middle. Seeing things mingle.
    That when you're able to conquer, you won't bother.
    Hearing both sides, witnessing the debate of two fates.
    Everyone says that I have to choose between the two...
    And can't be in between,
    But I choose my own and what I believe is true and I know I'm not alone.

    IX. Standing in the middle of nowhere seems to be the best place.
    Being in between two sides... in the freezing ice or in a burning furnace...
    In the intersection point of the devided race...
    I believe every truth of my existence will soon surface.
    It may be end of the beginning or beginning of the end.
    Either way, life cycle continues passing the same bend.
    Time passing by, history repeating having the same trend.
    As every time, destiny circling around and my life is God's lend...
    Still I'll be in between and meet enemy and friend.

    dramallama wahmbulance mrgreen