• Let Me Be Me

    I talk the way I want to talk
    I walk the way I walk
    Why should I change that for you
    Why can’t you let me be me
    Why do you insist on changing me

    If I change for you
    That makes me a puppet
    Moving where you want me to move
    Saying what you want me to say

    I don’t have to listen to all your nonsense
    I don’t have to proceed doing what you want me to do
    I choose to do it
    Why…cause it’s me and I want to do it

    I choose to help people out
    Even when it means no thanks in return
    Yet I would appreciate a thank you
    The people I expect it from don’t say it

    I don’t demand any thing from anyone
    You should appreciate that
    So let me be me
    And that’s what I would appreciate

    <33 Lilaznpnaii
    November 1, 2008