• Just saying I am lost
    Telling everybody I am gone
    Just to be away from this world
    And now I am lost

    I might not be the best
    I might be correct
    I might not be perfect
    But I just want to stand out

    And not to be gone for this world
    Not to be one more
    I want to be the one
    And to be unique and as I am

    Not one more with a style
    I want to shine,
    I want to stand out
    Stand out and be as I am

    I don’t want to be in the same shelf as other books
    I want to be apart to be the best
    I want to be in a new shelf
    In a unique one

    I want to be accepted
    I want to be together
    With everybody
    And not just apart and lost alone…

    I want to show the world
    Who I am
    I want to shine and to be high as a star
    And just to show of what I am made

    And make someone just proud of me
    And well… to make the world enjoy
    What I do,
    And to show this world for what I am good