• (Now I will go next to each line and post in the parenthesis the meaning of it.I explain so much because people on here seem to not get my poems or my absurd and vain style so I don't want this to get repeated.)

    *Part of the description I had to post on here because it wouldn't let me:
    *(His girlfriend that used him and is emo, remembers him only when she has problems.The guy is a loner and he is afraid of people, because after getting hurt so many times, he hid to himself and is afraid to get out again even if he realizes he has to.)

    In this middle of nowhere,
    how many people are there?(He is around people but he cant feel them.)
    I am alone but I am sad.(he wants to be alone then again this is killing him.)
    I am scared but I am bad.(he is afraid of the jerks, yet he is one.)

    I talk to the phone.(he talks with his gf on the phone.)
    But even then I feel alone.(he feels her remote.)
    I suck my pain to the bone.(he wont tell her how much she hurts him.)
    And the feelings make me frown.(he feels much.)

    In life you have to take the risk
    and you have to dare.
    You'd let out the beast (show your true self with no grudges.)
    for everyone to share.

    In these lyrics here
    my heart can't just bear
    the sorrow that passes those words,
    in my head they sound like broken chords.

    I have tried to rise on the surface.
    I have tried to unhide my face. (he tried to show people himself.)
    But should I let me be me,
    I'd have to pay a freedom fee. (But his true self is not socially acceptable.)

    I walked around and to the edge. (he repeated his mistakes and reached his limits.)
    I made myself to do a change.
    I smile happy cause I made it good. (he changed his behavior.)
    Yet my face prefers a hood. (but he is still ashamed of himself.)

    I saw people on my way.
    They sweared sun will throw a ray. (they told him things will be better.)
    But never saw it, never felt it.
    And what they promised, they regret it. (They never did.)

    She calls me back, she is on tears. (his gf calls him again.)
    She says that nobody else hears.
    She says she is sad for all she bears.
    She talks but words wont reach my ears. (he gets that she called him to tell her pain.)

    I hang the phone...
    Now she is alone. (he dumbs her from the phone.)
    Queen lost her crown (she was the queen of his heart but she failed him.)
    and left her thrown. (and now shes out of his heart anymore.)

    I try to remember. (he tries to remember some nice memories.)
    But then I cry. (his mind is blocked by bad memories though.)
    I decide to become member (he decides to kill himself.)
    to death's long list to fly.

    The death angel smirks. (he says he has left life to take him down.)
    He is so proud of himself.
    He is smiling at the wrecks, (he killed himself aka wrecks=dead body.)
    that I made them all myself. (he was stepping to suicide more and more everyday and he failed by his own mistakes to get the hang of life, the lines here are bound to sound bitter.)