• ~*PEOTRY*~

    i am forgotten among the tree where are the stars i see? where is my world that is filled with fate? where is it will it crash with fate? all my life ive been wondering will i eascape this harsh fate? how i longed to die and never return but i still hear the voices inside my head telling me "goodbye world" should i stay or go to do my harsh cruel live and live peaceful in the land of shadows i want to die and not perish does that make sence? i ask myself as i bleed to death im always sad and nothing more im sad and want to perish does that mean a thing anymore? i want to cry and i bring more pain but pain,only brings me more pain than before i want to die and not see blood i call myself a lostsoul because i mean look at me im white and fadding away and i feel like im invisible to all the public and i see my death appear in my eyes to see my will in a casket arise im dead and thats no more i will see my days as forgotten amore.