• {Begin}
    Swiftly, his hands move with mechanical precision
    An element changes, the path switches
    Heel, ball, toe, heel, ball, toe
    Collisions with the track cause a lost balance
    Rocket forward, then flip to redo
    Pull the lever, and a world opens behind the closed door
    A whirlwind of vivacity
    Quick long bounds on a short road
    Fall down or up?
    Dash left or right?
    Wrong side up, floating mid-speculation
    His pounding heart and sweaty palms collide with little impetus
    Almost home, past the swimming stars and dimming skies and blinding lights
    The moon in anxious abeyance, the sun in supercilious apprehension
    Energy, motion, and adrenaline join hands and strengthen
    Pushing him forwards, spiraling towards the gate
    Intense colors of contorted sounds and staggered flashes
    His foot hits ragged stairs that have been touched only by the subconscious
    His feet still running and the background churning around him
    His metal fingers swipe the white-hot ice of an exit
    Abruptly grasping the handle to life
    It turns and he is plunged into a perplexing cataclysym
    His was the wrong choice, and his mistake could be severe
    Perhaps, though, there was a way to salvage his gaffe