• So, here we stand
    Our life like grains of sand
    Held oh so delicately
    In our hands.

    Should we throw it away
    And suffer the consequences in which we pay?
    Or keep holding on
    For once more another day?

    Would you care?
    Would my death start a tear
    In your heart, as if
    We were a loving pair?

    Or will I just be
    Something you no longer have to see
    Stuck outside your front porch
    Without a key?

    Am I invisible in your eyes?
    Or are your words just lies
    You'll keep sprouting until
    One of us dies?

    Because if it were you
    I wouldn't have anything to do
    But to go on and forget
    And start anew.

    You've caused me so much strife
    And though I strived to be your wife
    I've realized, over the years
    That you aren't my life.