• from the past, to the present, and Eternal it dwells,

    in silent vigilance shrouding the known and the all,

    the negative, the alpha, omega, and beyond,

    in absence it thrives, the thought of which, young will cry,

    our friend and our enemy hides our secrets and shelters our demons,

    inescapable, even in the cosmic rays of a billion stars,

    indestructable, by Light itself, it is a relentless entity,

    sewn in the seed of every Adam and every Eve for it is our capacity,

    it spawns our villians, and heralds our heroes, follows the light and is all we fear,

    so we fight, we run, we live, and we die,

    the switch is on but how long will the power last? how fast can we run?

    when the cosmos falls silent, the stars flicker and fade,

    all light will leave this place and it will catch us, begin it's reign

    nothing, but the DARK