• I Love You
    BY Natalie

    the first time i saw you
    you were crying sayin "boo hoo boo hoo hoo hoo~"
    i walk over to
    see you and make sure everything is ok~

    you talk to me like i was your friend
    yea yea yea~
    i listen to you like i was the bird and you were the hen~
    after tat day we became the best of friends~

    we talk to each other
    about me yourself and your brother~
    we all had a blast
    i still remember the past
    tat we saw each other~
    you were crying by your brother and then your mother~

    all i wanted to say is i love you
    you were there for me everyday
    now your are my boo and i love you
    come wif me this way~

    i love you boo and this poem i wrote it is for you :]
    love ya babe♥