• The love of a sister
    is as important as a the sun that warms us
    the stars that we admire their beauty as they shine in the night sky
    the moons brightness in the dark of night
    the oceans water as u walk in the open sea
    without the love of a sister or brother
    you might die unless your use to it
    as you lie in bed thinking
    the thought of your sister or brother
    floats in your head as the guilt of the problems that were between you and them as you start to cry at the thought of not seeing them every day of the month
    as you start to cry you hear them saying "don't cry big sis or big bro we'll see each other soon"
    harder at the thought of what brought y'all apart
    what took you from true happiness with your sister or brother
    as you cry harder yet gasping for air
    you feel bad about picking on them and fighting with them and hitting them
    you cry harder feeling sorry about everything you've done to them and you pray they forgive you
    and miss you as much as you miss them