• We laughed together
    We cried together
    You came to me when im sad
    I came to you when your sad
    When something got to you
    You Yelled at me for know reason
    When you left
    You Left me with a black heart

    You walked away
    Far from my life
    I ran as fast as I could
    But I could not catch up with you
    I screamed your name
    But you said nothing back
    When you left
    You left me with a black heart

    As i sit in the rain
    All my heart feels
    Is pain that you gave me
    My heart hurts now
    You left me all alone
    When you left me
    You left me with a black heart

    I can never forget you
    You made me so happy
    We laughed together
    We cried together
    We had good memorys
    But then you left me
    My memorys are just a past now
    When you left me
    You left me with a cold...Black...Heart