• Happy Endings

    This world is dying
    Our lives are sinking
    We live in doubt
    We live in fear

    Our lives are sinking
    Crashing down
    We live in fear
    Death falls all around

    Crashing down
    So much agony and grief
    Death falls all around
    Like the shells of the bullets that bring it

    So much agony and grief
    Pain falls into you, into me
    Like the shells of the bullets that bring it
    The truth will never become the happy ending

    Pain falls into you, into me
    But you only hear what you want
    The truth will never become the happy ending
    Because it's just a stupid story

    But you only hear what you want
    The war, the hate, the lies, it's coming
    Because it's just a stupid story
    And happy endings don't exist

    The war, the hate, the lies, it's coming
    We got the short end of the stick
    And happy endings don't exist
    The love, the marriage, just old stories

    We got the short end of the stick
    While Cinderella and her prince sing joyously
    The love, the marriage, just old stories
    Though these happy endings never fail

    While Cinderella and her prince sing joyously
    The lies and war still exist
    Though these happy endings never fail
    To change the course of real life happenings