• I don't know what to feel right now
    Unorchestrated hilarity
    Effect them in ways you don't know
    Everyone's watching, hanging on your every word
    What are you going to do with that?
    Prima donnas spitting lies
    Unsure about themselves
    They can't help but whisper nasty nothings into your ear
    Misery loves it's company
    And so do I
    Can't you attempt contact?
    Every time you draw away I lose a little of myself
    Alone and restless
    It's one AM
    What can I do?
    I can't do anything
    Wait for someone to call
    To comment
    To cause a change
    But sometimes you have to be the one who effects
    Are you effected or affected?
    It's up to you
    Please don't do this
    God, don't do this
    Chats with the man upstairs
    Electronic repentance
    She speaks with her hips
    The language of her lips
    Her mouth may be open
    But not for words
    You won't get what you want from them
    Not an honest "I love you"
    Throes of passion
    Only throw you further down
    Dripping memories
    Scratched out declarations
    Be there for them
    But not for yourself
    Necessities outlawed
    Resort to back alleys and coat hangers
    Does that help anything?
    I don't think it does
    Oh s**t
    My tastebuds have given
    I've gone septic
    Time to give into Zanex and bourbon
    Not this time
    Wake up from your dream
    Cold sweat
    Throw off the rough sheets
    Look at the ceiling
    And wonder why it was, exactly
    That you had that dream again.