• Staring into darkness
    Waiting for someone to come
    Her boyfriend, her lover
    He comes but not in the way she expects
    She expected him to come in his lime green convertible
    Not nearly dead, in the arms of police men
    With blood still bleeding from a bullet wound
    How he got it she will never know
    he doesn’t want to know though
    They place him in her open arms
    e mutters her name with his last breath
    His blood still draining from his body
    Slowly mixing with her tears onto her dress
    They make a stain, in the shape of a broken heart
    On her beautiful silk pink dress
    his will never come out
    Helping her to never forget
    Like she could forget
    That terrible night her life and fate changed
    Even as the years go by, she still remembers, she still loves
    Nothing changes as she grows older
    Waiting to be reunited with him, finally, in death.