• Everybody has one,
    Some people don’t need one.
    But I do.
    I wear it all the time.
    I take it off for only one,
    And it’s never for long.
    It quickly goes back on.

    I almost took it off for another.
    He knew what I was doing,
    He let me.
    He didn’t flinch,
    He only loved.
    I saw what he got me to do,
    And quickly put it back on.

    I don’t like wearing it,
    It’s very heavy.
    Why do I wear it?
    People don’t like me,
    So I hide myself.
    Only two know,
    Him and her.

    She loves me,
    Even when I take it off.
    He’s never seen me without it.
    He sees right through it, though.
    He looks at me with love,
    Right after I reach up to take it off.
    Maybe that’s why I don’t,
    Because I’m afraid he’ll leave,
    Like the other three did.
    I don’t want him to leave,
    So I leave it on.

    I may someday take it off,
    But not anytime soon.
    And not for him,
    He’s leaving,
    But not because of me.
    Maybe I will take it off,
    Just for him.
    Because I love him.