• blankets of sorrow pore down across an old ladies face, like a beautifully colored waterfall.
    old age ravages her blotchy brown skin, filled with wrinkles telling the downing of her days.
    she looks at me with a painful story ridding behind her weary , blank light brown eyes. the color of coffee and cream.
    courage leaping out of them like a wonderful wild lion in a dramatic green bush in Africa.
    pride rolling off her person , strength coloring her hair a plentiful gray.
    fear making her mouth twist , preservation pushing her soul along and god guiding her way.
    grandma is all i could say, as the thunder thrashes the sky, as i clench her picture .
    they lower her in to the cold permanent home , heaven or hell , heaven preferred . for she looks , smells , feels and smiles like a angel to me.