• I used to consider you
    a loved one.
    I would stay up all night,
    just to hear the phone ring.
    I wished that one day we could meet.

    When I left you,
    I knew it was for the best.
    The distance between us was to much.
    I cried that night,
    knowing it was for the best,
    that he shouldn't bother
    with someone as terrible as me.

    We began talking again,
    I realized how much I missed these conversations.
    Sometimes I would get kind of bratty,
    I'm still going through those hard times
    even now.

    I considered you
    a very close friend.
    I trusted you with a secret
    that I don't dare tell anyone else.

    I considered you
    a brother.
    I feel betrayed by you.
    Do you think every word I said
    was just a joke?
    Whenever a misunderstanding came up,
    I told you the whole truth.
    I know you didn't believe me then,
    but maybe you can understand,
    How much you have hurt me today.

    And it was only yesterday,
    before I knew what you think of me,
    that I put you on a list,
    of closest friends.
    Now I sit here,
    because of you
    with a few tears escaping.
    I hope you understand
    how much you have hurt me today.