• God will hold us,
    In his arms.
    When our time comes,
    To die.

    Burn my hands,
    Stab my soul.
    To meet him soon,
    Thy wish to see.

    The realm where ghosts will lurk,
    Or the realm in which we live.
    The faded past of those lost,
    And the future of those not.

    The sun will fall,
    The moon will rise.
    Youth will be born,
    The old shall die.

    The elemental power,
    That created the very earth.
    They watch upon us all,
    Rule over the realm of time.

    The victory of decision,
    The failing of those not judged.
    The battle between the chosen,
    The end of those who fail.

    It flows on forward,
    Doesn't look back.
    It cannot be stopped,
    Its indestructible.

    The immortal species cannot be seen,
    Nor can they be heard.
    You keep track of it with a watch or clock,
    Its helps you know the day.

    The finale of this poem,
    The ending of the mind.
    Everything comes to a close,
    Time will stop its tracks.

    The sweet suffice of happiness,
    The contentment of the people.
    When we all least expect it,
    We end yet we begin.
