• Candy, candy everywhere
    With children running wild
    Mothers looking everywhere
    Trying to find there child
    In the frantic rush
    Some mothers stop to cry
    As they scream the names
    Of there children never to be found alive
    Here come the cops
    With there sirens going off
    Trying to find the children
    Before they were lost to the light
    Shining far and wide
    On all hollows night
    Searching for new children
    To satisfy there hunger
    Watching, Laughing
    At the mothers in there tears
    As they eat the ones
    Those mothers held so dear
    So much for safety now that
    The police had stopped the search
    And run away in fear
    And headed far away
    As they saw the monsters
    Eating the last child
    One by one the there car disappeared
    Under the bright lights
    Showing nothing but death in its path
    Witch seemed to be coming near
    Now done with the children
    And still coming for more
    Looking for lives to take
    As the oceans and rivers of the world
    Now flowed red in the blood of the incident family's
    Never to be seen again
    Now all that was left
    Was the mothers and there tears
    With nothing to live for
    And nothing to fear
    They boarded the ships
    With hope in there minds
    To find there loved ones
    Or die with no lie in mind
    The lives of the innocent
    And the lives of the guilty
    All claimed on the night of a full moon
    Stained with the dieing wishes
    Of all the lives
    Taken in that one night