• Doesn't it hurt?
    When you scrap your knee?
    Or when you bump your head?
    But the most painful hurt ever.
    Is the pain of your heart breaking.

    You feel your heart split into two.
    Your have half.
    But the other is lost.
    The tears run down your face.
    All peace at mind is gone.
    You sit there in the dark,
    wonder hat went wrong.

    A broken heart stays broken.
    Just like shattered glass.
    No way to fix it.
    Just sweep it up and that's that.

    Ever tryed to fix a broken heart?
    A waste of time right from the start.
    Maybe it's best to stay out of this game.
    Until a new player that will not hurt you.
    Decides to play.

    Shattered peices all over the floor.
    Tears run under the door.
    The hurt really never goes away.
    It just slightly fades.