• I am powerless
    I am weak
    What else is there to say?
    I am dead
    I admit defeat
    Why did it end this way?

    Leave me to roam the planet
    In search of what
    Noone's yet truly found
    A way to form words
    To make sound

    A desolate plane
    I cannot speak
    My voice has fallen asleep
    Why won't you help me wake it?

    You are the one I need
    Whether or not I'm seen
    My hands are on your shoulders
    And I'm whispering silent screams
    Are you deaf?
    Why can't you feel me?

    Another, also struggling
    Her pain is just as great
    I am the only other
    Who could ever relate

    Ignored by the mortals
    Shunned by our own
    We are forced to roam
    In search of, not a home
    But a voice

    Hear me
    Why can't you?
    Talk to me
    Why won't you?
    Don't reject me
    Don't put me aside
    And most of all
    Don't make me cry

    Why does noone consider
    That maybe they're not alone?
    Or maybe when they're asleep
    Someone watches them peacefully
    Awaiting their awakening
    Each and every dawn
    They think we don't exist
    But soon they'll be our pawns

    A scheme is being plotted
    Or is it a plot that's being schemed?
    Black and white is all I see
    No sense to be made
    There's a line
    A swirl
    A polka-dot
    All coming together
    Unlike us

    You'll never understand
    Even if one day you see me
    I'm not what you remember
    Not even in the least
    I'm torn, mutilated, corrupted
    I am a beast

    But what is a beast
    Such as I
    That has no growl?
    That has no roar?
    That has no way
    To express pride?

    I'll never be okay
    I knew that from the start
    But the least that you could do
    Is stitch my broken heart