• Your eyes glisten in the dark,
    They speak to me, they do.
    They say, “What really hides behind the veil?
    That waterfall, that cascade of hair,
    Who is the person that lies beneath?”

    I see tears, I see want, I see many things,
    But most, above all, is the need.
    The need to know me, the need to see my scars.
    I’m touched, I really am.

    No one has cared like you,
    No one loves me like you,
    Not as much as you,
    To the point that you want to take away my wounds,
    And take them unto your own body, your own memory.

    It makes me smile, though a bitter one it is.
    How can one so great, so perfect as you,
    Love a scarred person such as this?
    You wipe away the tears,
    The ones I had not know I’d shed.

    You pull me close and I sigh my relief.
    It seems too good to be real, like you would walk away,
    As if it were all a simple joke, a lighthearted jest.

    But I see now,
    You’ll never leave me,
    For you are me,
    And I am you,
    One half completes the other,
    Together becoming whole.