• You were the one who I looked up to
    The one who washed away all my fears
    You were the one who helped me with what to do
    But now it's changed over the years

    When I was abused at that place
    You wiped the tears from my face
    I couldn't find the words to thank you
    Now it seems I just don't want to

    You helped me with my school work
    Even though your explanations drove me beserk
    I still told you I loved you
    Now it's rare I ever do.

    When I grew older, when I grew mature
    You were still there to make sure
    I could only be happy
    But now it's like all you do is make me crappy

    You held my hand throughout the way
    Until I let go one day
    You and I were always out and about
    Now all I do is shut you out

    When that one day came
    You dapped your tears away
    It's time to let your baby go
    But you just want to hold me close

    You tried your best, but didn't know what to do
    When I told you off, when I said I didn't need you
    You told me all you wanted was my happiness
    Now all I want is your unawarness

    When we finally lost contact
    You grew lonely and sad
    I was crowded with friends, never thought about you at all.
    But one day I took a new fall

    You gave out a long life just for me
    When I grew older, you finally let me be
    You thought about me everyday
    Now I wish I had you back to say

    When I got that letter
    You weren't getting any better
    When I went there to see
    But your eyes wouldn't look at me

    You sat there pale and cold
    When I finally grew bold
    You let me take your pulseless hand
    Now I wish you could just understand..

    When I got successfull and right
    You were the one who helped me fight
    When I hated you for my mistakes
    But you would never get a break

    You were the reason for my strong soul
    When you helped me with my goal
    Now all I can do,
    Is wish I would've told you how much I loved you..

    In memory of my father.