• Of Sleepless Nights & Christmas Lights

    Do you recall the sight of gifts beneath the tree,
    Of glistening snow and lights that glow?
    How magical it seemed.

    And do you recall the sound of wonder in the air,
    Of bells that ring and caroling,
    The music everywhere?

    Who could forget the delightful scents swirling about,
    Of roast ham and gingerbread,
    Of milk and cookies left out?

    Perhaps the overwhelming feeling stands out best,
    Of anticipation and loud exclamation,
    When Christmas came at last.

    Now things are different...

    Malls and deadlines cloud our sight,
    Bustling crowds and noisy cars ring in our ears,
    The smell of burning cookies we forgot fills the air,
    And all we feel is exhausted when the day is through...

    Time goes on we all know this,
    Things were simple as a kid.
    Do recall what it was like,
    Of sleepless nights and Christmas lights?