• "I'm tired of these roads and streets I wish there where somewhere I could go and be free of the drama and escape the perils that hurt me each day.I want to see everything and watch million of birds fly high in the sky and see the sun set over the trees. I would walked forever to search these grounds of fire flies of the fresh moon light.I'm tried of the jerks and people you don't want here. Good bye, because I'm flying high with the moon over my shoulder and I might bring you with me too.I might have some one someday in those bright mornings I dream from those scarce nights I wonder to and fro. I wish there where some things that I could put my mind too and There weren't no limits on my behalf I can do anything I want to do.I can be free and run with the bright fur of the wolves that cross the night away yea! I don't have to be so tired these things will bright my ways and I shall not fall and close the gaps that be close for so long! Wow look at these sights I bet you wish you were me too! ;But You can't be me I'm the one taking the drive in the night of forests!Oh what can't I lose looking for the signs of my paradise.So Let me fly high and forget all my hardships and breathless moments. So I won't be tired of this and fall into the same old things.This ends in the night no more
    tiredness lands."