• Swaying tree
    Swaying tree looks around
    It sees Wind
    Swaying tree asks wind why he sways.
    Wind replies with a gust
    Swaying trees leaves shake and fall
    Swaying tree looses another part of him
    Swaying tree’s leaves shake and fall
    And again
    And again
    All that’s left swaying of Swaying tree is empty dark branches
    Wind just blows another gust
    Swaying tree’s roots start to crack like whips and snap
    Swaying tree battles with Wind
    Wind blows gusts harder
    Swaying tree holds tight to Ground
    Wind pushes harder
    Swaying tree pushes back
    Wind whistles past Swaying tree
    Swaying tree’s roots crack and snap again
    Swaying tree pulls himself to Ground once more
    He grabs but looses grip on Ground
    He grabs
    And grabs
    And grabs
    But Ground keeps running between his roots
    Swaying tree can fight no longer
    The roots stop gripping
    Ground tries to pull the roots back but the roots refuse
    The mighty Swaying tree falls loudly and hits the ground with such force that a Richter could pick it up
    Swaying tree’s branches no longer sway
    Long time passes and Wind, Ground, and life have forgotten him
    Rain observes the fallen Swaying tree
    Rain erodes Swaying tree
    A small pile of rotten wood is all that’s left
    Fire observes the rotten pile of Swaying tree
    Fire also observes the rest of Swaying tree’s forgotten friends
    Fire sweeps up the little bits and pieces left of Swaying tree
    Charred remains are all that’s left
    Within those charred remains there is a seed
    And from the seed there is a stem
    And from the stem there is a leaf
    And from the leaf there is hope that Swaying tree will return again.