• When I heard that you were gone.
    It couldn't be true.
    I lay there and cryied, I loved you so much.
    It couldn't be true.

    I knew the day would come, but not so soon.
    It couldn't be true.
    My Parents tried to comfort me but,
    It couldn't be true.

    I knew you were gone, never coming back but.
    It couldn't be true.
    My life seems like it's back to normal.
    It can't be true.

    I still talk to my friends, but behind that mask I'm hurt.
    It can't be true.
    If I'm in a bad mood, they ask why, I say nothing.
    It's not true.

    I love you.
    I want you back.
    You can't be gone.
    I still love you.

    It can't be true.